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To conserve their artifacts and archeological site despite religious groups allegations that heirlooms such as gongs and jars are pagan goods. He revive the production and playing of “gangsa”.


Gangsa -  a percussion instrument that is commonly used in the Cordillera region for gatherings, festivities, and even rituals. In one sense, it is utilized to draw everyone’s attention and to celebrate peoples fellowship and unity in  a one place.


Tongali - Carved by hand, using a knife and charcoal. A four holed nose flute made up of a long bamboo tube, closed at one end by the node in which the blowing hole is burnt. The flute has three finger holes. The blowing hole is placed under an angle against the nose and the player gently blows into the tube. 




​Bungkaka - Knownbn as the bamboo buzzer, a percussion instrument (idiophone) made out of bamboo. Constructed from a length of bamboo with a node at the bottom end. The upper hald is shaped such that there are tow tongues facing each other, while the bottom end acts as rsonator chamber.


​Paldong - A traditional Kalinga lip-valley flue. Bamboo is used to make the paldong. Its upper edge is sliced obliquely from the backside and then somewhat from the front side. The lower lip of the player is pressed against the cut-away surface. Most of the melodies played on the lip valley flute are improvised. 


It is a solo instrument, usually used by men for serenades or courting women, or merely for leisure and to past time away.


*When given titles. The titles describer what the music is trying to stimulate such as the chirping of a bird, the cry of an eagle,etc. . 

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